web 2.0

Friday, March 6, 2009

DeskCountDown v1.2.1

DeskCountDown v1.2.1 S60v5 -desktop timer, a better way to remind you!

DeskCountdown was designed to be a simple little program that sits on your Desktop and counts down to an important date.
DeskCountdown can set a date for an oncoming event, calc how many days to left and it can show on the desktop.

Font size
-the font size in the window
-change color/transparency of the font
-edge size(the edge of the display window)

Time Countdown
-enable/disable the function
-display the Lunar calender when enter the data
-include countdown and countup
-set the window at one place(ps:top left corner)

Visualization adjust
-graphic editor 1(adjust postion)
-graphic editor 2(adjust color)
-set the postion of the window
-set the color of the font/background in the window
-directly set the font color same as your using theme

Animation effects
-enable/disable the function
-the displaying effects

Display direction



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